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These influencers let their children make the decisions for a day

MOGLi wanted to know: What happens once your kid gets to call the shots all day long? Influencers @judetta, @ivymädchen, @pinkepanki, @jiggyjules, @bellknopf, @mamaaempf und @dieisabellhorn took up the challenge and shared their exciting findings with their community on Instagram.

On a walk, children need time to explore their surroundings in more detail. (Image: MOGLi)

That's what's behind the experiment
Before we tell you what all the children wanted to do on "Let me do it" day, let's take a quick look at the background of the project: You've probably already discovered MOGLI's motto: grow wild stands for the fact that every child should grow up individually according to their own nature, just like the well-known character Mowgli from "The Jungle Book".

And because every child is different, we were curious what would happen if they were allowed to decide everything. So we asked the influencers the question, "What happens when your kid calls the shots?"

The findings: Adventures don't need a lot of ingredients
What wouldn't we adults have wished for ourselves on a day like this? But the children of the influencers really didn't need much. They wanted one thing above all: time! Because being able to spend the day at their own pace without being slowed down or pushed was the need behind all the children's wishes.

For example, they wanted to stop while walking to watch a slow bug or visit their beloved grandparents. Others wished to run through cornfields. While some just stayed cozy in their pajamas, one influencer's kids wanted to take scrap metal to the exciting recycling center. All things that take time, time that is often not available in everyday life.

When is your "let me do it" day?
Our campaign was very well received by both the influencers and their children. It showed that everyone is happiest when they can just be who they are and spend time with their family.
Maybe you've been bitten by the "grow wild" bug and are planning a day like this for yourself? We wish you lots of fun and look forward to your reports.

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